Saturday, October 1, 2016

Interview video

A few notes.  This video interviewed only 1 person who works as a Sylvan Learning center in Michigan.  The other people contacted me too late to contribute to this assignment.  Two interesting things that did not appear in the video.

1.  Some Sylvan Learning Centers do NOT offer just the online portion of the ACT Prep class because it is so ineffective.

2.  The standard rate for the Sylvan in Michigan is $50 per hour, and the minimum number of hours required for the ACT Program is 30-50 hours.  The online program is being sold at some locations as low as $300.

I spend most of the video talking about the specifics of the ACT program, but my conclusion is very simple, without due consideration of the context of the student, the self directed'ness of the learner, and the understanding of the technology being implemented the technology implementation alone will NOT increase learning.


  1. Hi Koul,

    I really like your interview-synthesis. Your graphics were phenomenal. Also, I like that you specifically picked a subject (the ACT) to accompany your commentary. It really helped me to understand specifically why the technology was not working according to your interviewee. Bitner (2002) explains that there are 8 areas including, fear of change,training in basics, personal use, teaching models, learning based, climate, motivation and support that are associated with a successful implementation of technology (p.96). Based on the information that you provided in your interview-synthesis, it sounds like maybe climate or motivation may be the flaw of the ACT technology.

    At any rate, I thought you did an amazing job on this assignment. You may even be able to use it as sample for future classes that you teach.

    Bitner, N., & Bitner, J. (2002). Integrating technology into the classroom: eight keys to success. Journal Of Technology & Teacher Education, 10(1), 95-100.

  2. I've recently started implementing screen capture videos into the training program at my work, so I have to say you did an awesome job with that piece!

    I have to agree with the digital discipline piece - my friend Chris builds supercomputers for the Federal Reserve. He, along with his wife Ishi, are fostering a 12-year-old girl. He is blown away by the fact that the kids at their foster daughter's school are given laptops to use without being taught how to properly use technology. We marvel when toddlers can use iPhones better than our parents, but they don't understand programming or anything more than texting and playing games, generally.
